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CD-1 evolution

This extension adds grouping disambiguation to the CD language, and allows you to write applications without parentheses.

CBS currently uses the SDF3 meta-language for disambiguation, enclosing references to embedded grammar sorts and productions in back-ticks.


  1. Replace:

    | exp '(' exp ')'


    | exp  exp
  2. Replace:

    Rule eval[[ E1 '(' E2 ')' ]] =


    Rule eval[[ E1 E2 ]] =


Syntax SDF
context-free syntax
``exp ::= 'lambda' id '.' exp`` {longest-match}
``exp ::= exp exp`` {left}
``exp ::= 'let' id '=' exp 'in' exp`` {longest-match}

context-free priorities
``exp ::= exp exp``
> {
``exp ::= 'lambda' id '.' exp``
``exp ::= 'let' id '=' exp 'in' exp``

Lexis SDF
lexical syntax
  ``id`` = ``keyword`` {reject}

lexical restrictions
  ``id``  -/- [a-z0-9]
  ``int`` -/- [0-9]

You could put disambiguation specifications in a separate file, e.g., named