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Unstable-Languages-beta : | PRETTY | PDF

Language "LD"
# 1 Lexical constructs
# 2 Call-by-value lambda-calculus
# 3 Arithmetic and Boolean expressions
# 4 References and imperatives
# 5 Multithreading
# 6 Programs
# A Disambiguation

Lexical syntax:

Lexis  X:id  ::= ('a'-'z') ('a'-'z'|'0'-'9')*
       N:int ::= ('0'-'9')+
       keyword ::= 'do'  | 'else'  | 'fork'   | 'if'
                 | 'in'  | 'join'  | 'lambda' | 'let'
                 | 'ref' | 'spawn' | 'then'   | 'while'

Context-free syntax:

Syntax E:exp ::= int
               | id
// Call-by-value lambda-calculus:
               | 'lambda' id '.' exp
               | exp exp
               | 'let' id '=' exp 'in' exp
               | '(' exp ')'
// Arithmetic and Boolean expressions:
               | exp '+' exp
               | exp '*' exp
               | exp '/' exp
               | exp '<=' exp
               | exp '&&' exp
               | 'if' exp 'then' exp 'else' exp
// References and imperatives:
               | 'ref' exp
               | exp ':=' exp
               | '!' exp
               | exp ';' exp
               | '(' ')'
               | 'while' exp 'do' exp
// Multithreading:
               | 'spawn' exp
               | 'join' exp

Expression evaluation:

Semantics eval[[ _:exp ]] : => ld-values

1 Lexical constructs

Rule eval[[ N ]] = decimal \"N\"
Rule eval[[ X ]] = bound \"X\"

2 Call-by-value lambda-calculus

Rule eval[[ 'lambda' X '.' E ]] =
  function closure
    scope( bind( \"X\", given ), 
           eval[[ E ]] )
Rule eval[[ E1 E2 ]] =
  apply( eval[[ E1 ]], eval[[ E2 ]] )
Rule eval[[ 'let' X '=' E1 'in' E2 ]] =
    scope( bind( \"X\", eval[[ E1 ]] ), 
           eval[[ E2 ]] )

Desugaring (alternative to the above rule):

Rule [[ 'let' X '=' E1 'in' E2 ]] : exp =
     [[ '(' 'lambda' X '.' E2 ')' '(' E1 ')' ]]
Rule eval[[ '(' E ')' ]] = eval[[ E ]]

3 Arithmetic and Boolean expressions

Rule eval[[ E1 '+' E2 ]] =
  int-add( eval[[ E1 ]], eval[[ E2 ]] )
Rule eval[[ E1 '*' E2 ]] =
  int-mul( eval[[ E1 ]], eval[[ E2 ]] )
Rule eval[[ E1 '/' E2 ]] =
  checked int-div ( eval[[ E1 ]], eval[[ E2 ]] )
Rule eval[[ E1 '<=' E2 ]] =
  is-less-or-equal l-to-r( eval[[ E1 ]], eval[[ E2 ]] )
Rule eval[[ E1 '&&' E2 ]] =
  if-true-else( eval[[ E1 ]], eval[[ E2 ]], false )
Rule eval[[ 'if' E1 'then' E2 'else' E3 ]] =
  if-true-else( eval[[ E1 ]], eval[[ E2 ]], eval[[ E3 ]] )

4 References and imperatives

Rule eval[[ 'ref' E ]] =
  allocate-initialised-variable( ld-values, eval[[ E ]] )
Rule eval[[ E1 ':=' E2 ]] =
  assign( eval[[ E1 ]], eval[[ E2 ]] )
Rule eval[[ '!' E ]] = assigned( eval[[ E ]] )
Rule eval[[ E1 ';' E2 ]] =
  sequential( effect( eval[[ E1 ]] ), eval[[ E2 ]] )
Rule eval[[ '(' ')' ]] = null-value
Rule eval[[ 'while' E1 'do' E2 ]] =
  while-true( eval[[ E1 ]], effect( eval[[ E2 ]] ) )

5 Multithreading

N.B. The funcons for multithreading have not yet been fully validated, so they are defined in Unstable-Funcons-beta instead of Funcons-beta.

Rule eval[[ 'spawn' E ]] =
  thread-activate thread-joinable thunk closure eval[[ E ]]
Rule eval[[ 'join' E ]] = thread-join( eval[[ E ]] )

6 Programs

Syntax START:start ::= exp