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Grigore Rosu and Traian Florin Serbanuta gave a definition of SIMPLE in the K-framework in the following article:

K Overview and SIMPLE Case Study.
Grigore Rosu and Traian Florin Serbanuta.
K’11, ENTCS 304, pp 3-56, 2014.

They wrote:

SIMPLE is intended to be a pedagogical and research language that captures the essence of the imperative programming paradigm, extended with several features often encountered in imperative languages.

Note that the CBS definition uses a more precise abstract syntax grammar than presented in the above publication. In particular, rather than allowing arbitrary expressions as variable declarators and l-expressions, we introduce specialised productions. We also make use of “?” (optional) to avoid the need for multiple productions for variations of the same syntactic construct.

The original SIMPLE specification in CBS omitted its concurrency aspects. The present specification SIMPLE-Threads extends SIMPLE to the complete language. The CBS rules from SIMPLE have been copied unchanged, except for the insertion of the funcon multithread in the rule for entire programs.



  • abstract syntax: complete
  • dynamic semantics: complete, including concurrency constructs
  • static semantics: not specified
  • disambiguation: incomplete


  • 63 small programs
  • high coverage (to be verified)


Reuse of funcons:


  • imperative, concurrent, illustrative, simple, disambiguation, K framework

Main contributors:

  • Thomas van Binsbergen, Peter Mosses, Neil Sculthorpe

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