% cbs-katex.sty
% \SHADE{MATH} can be defined to produce a shaded background to highlight
% inline MATH in running text:
% \KEY{TEXT}, \STRING{TEXT}, \ATOM{TEXT}, \LEX{TEXT} can be used in math mode:
% The following commands produce ASCII characters that are treated specially by LaTeX:
\newcommand{\TILDE}{\textasciitilde} % {\char`\~}
% \NAME{name} highlights the name;
% \NAMEDECL{name} declares Name.name as the target of links to name;
% \NAMEREF{name} links name to the target Name.name in the current file;
% \NAMEHYPER{url}{file}{name} links name to Name.name at url/file/file.pdf.
% Similarly for \VAR{partvariable}, \SYN{syntaxname}, \SEM{semanticsName},
% and \SECT{sectionnumber}
% The kerns in \SUB and \VAR avoid overlaps with primes:
% \LEFTPHRASE MATH \RIGHTPHRASE produces [[ MATH ]] with proper brackets:
% \LEFTGROUP MATH \RIGHTGROUP produces ( MATH ) where the parentheses are
% highlighted the same as keywords:
% MATH\PLUS produces a superscript +
% MATH\STAR produces a superscript *
% MATH\QUERY produces a superscript ?
% \RULE{& PREMISE \\ & ...}{& FORMULA ... \\ & ...} produces an inference rule
% with separately aligned premises and conclusion
% ...
% -----------
% ...
% \AXIOM{& FORMULA ... \\ & ...} produces an aligned formula
% ...
% \TO TYPE produces => TYPE
% TERM \TRANS TERM produces TERM ---> TERM
% TERM \xrightarrow{LABEL} TERM puts the label above the long arrow
Funcon Reuse in Languages-beta
Currently, Funcons-beta includes 387 funcons (including types, datatypes, and
entities, but not aliases). Of these, 192 are used in language specifications
in Languages-beta. The number of funcons used for each language is as follows:
The definitions of some of the used funcons reference other funcons, which are
not counted. The remaining funcons have either been used in previous language
specifications, or are expected to be useful in future specifications.
The following tables show which language specifications directly use each
funcon, thereby exhibiting the degree of funcon reuse in Languages-beta.