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Local browsing

This page explains how to browse and edit the website locally. In case of difficulties, see more on Testing your GitHub Pages site locally with Jekyll.


Setting up

  1. Clone or download a zip of the cbs-latex repository.

  2. Run the following commands in a terminal from the cbs-latex directory:

    bundle update
    bundle exec jekyll serve

    The default port 4000 can be overridden using bundle exec jekyll serve --port .....


Open a web browser at http://localhost:4000/cbs-latex/ (the final / is required).

Stop the local server with Control-C when no longer needed.


Jekyll updates the web pages when you change the Markdown files (it takes a few seconds).


The CBS highlighting colors can be changed by editing the SCSS files in _sass/custom.1

When browsing these web pages on GitHub, the color scheme can be toggled between light and dark.

The toggle button is at the top of the navigation panel.

For local browsing, the following configuration options are provided:

set to dark to disable the light scheme
set to dark to support toggling between light and dark
leave unset to display the toggle button on all pages
set to true to toggle automatically when the system mode preference changes
set the label on the button for changing to the dark scheme
set the label on the button for changing to the light scheme

  1. The current highlighting colors should be distinguishable to users with Deuteranopia (tested using Color Oracle).