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cbs-mathjax-lncs.sty is a package defining a few MathJax-2.7 macros for formatting an LNCS article that includes CBS specifications:

% cbs-mathjax-lncs.sty

% When using Jekyll, include this file in a page by adding to the front matter:
%   layout: cbs-mathjax-lncs

% The macros support formatting a subset of CBS. The MathJax-2.7 rendering is
% compatible with the LaTeX rendering of articles that use cbs-latex-lncs.sty.
% The page background is assumed to be white; for dark background pages,
% the colors used below would need to be lighter.

% Configure MathJax-2.7 by including in the TeX block:
%        MAXBUFFER : 10 * 1024,
%        extensions: ["color.js"]
% See the docs at: 



