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  Type     environments       Alias envs
  Datatype identifiers        Alias ids
  Funcon   identifier-tagged  Alias id-tagged
  Funcon   fresh-identifier
  Entity   environment        Alias env
  Funcon   initialise-binding
  Funcon   bind-value         Alias bind
  Funcon   unbind
  Funcon   bound-directly
  Funcon   bound-value        Alias bound
  Funcon   closed
  Funcon   scope
  Funcon   accumulate
  Funcon   collateral
  Funcon   bind-recursively
  Funcon   recursive
  T <: values


  environments ~> maps(identifiers, values?)
  envs = environments

An environment represents bindings of identifiers to values. Mapping an identifier to ( ) represents that its binding is hidden.

Circularity in environments (due to recursive bindings) is represented using bindings to cut-points called links. Funcons are provided for making declarations recursive and for referring to bound values without explicit mention of links, so their existence can generally be ignored.

  identifiers ::= {_:strings} | identifier-tagged(_:identifiers, _:values)
  ids = identifiers
  id-tagged = identifier-tagged

An identifier is either a string of characters, or an identifier tagged with some value (e.g., with the identifier of a namespace).

  fresh-identifier : =>identifiers

fresh-identifier computes an identifier distinct from all previously computed identifiers.

Current bindings

  environment(_:environments) |- _ ---> _
  env = environment

The environment entity allows a computation to refer to the current bindings of identifiers to values.

  initialise-binding(X:=>T) : =>T
   ~> initialise-linking(initialise-generating(closed(X)))

initialise-binding(X) ensures that X does not depend on non-local bindings. It also ensures that the linking entity (used to represent potentially cyclic bindings) and the generating entity (for creating fresh identifiers) are initialised.

  bind-value(I:identifiers, V:values) : =>environments
    ~> { I |-> V }
  bind = bind-value

bind-value(I, X) computes the environment that binds only I to the value computed by X.

  unbind(I:identifiers) : =>environments
    ~> { I |-> ( ) }

unbind(I) computes the environment that hides the binding of I.

  bound-directly(_:identifiers) : =>values

bound-directly(I) returns the value to which I is currently bound, if any, and otherwise fails.

bound-directly(I) does not follow links. It is used only in connection with recursively-bound values when references are not encapsulated in abstractions.

  lookup(Rho, I) ~> (V:values)
  environment(Rho) |- bound-directly(I:identifiers) ---> V
  lookup(Rho, I) ~> ( )
  environment(Rho) |- bound-directly(I:identifiers) ---> fail
  bound-value(I:identifiers) : =>values
   ~> follow-if-link(bound-directly(I))
  bound = bound-value

bound-value(I) inspects the value to which I is currently bound, if any, and otherwise fails. If the value is a link, bound-value(I) returns the value obtained by following the link, if any, and otherwise fails. If the inspected value is not a link, bound-value(I) returns it.

bound-value(I) is used for references to non-recursive bindings and to recursively-bound values when references are encapsulated in abstractions.


  closed(X:=>T) : =>T

closed(X) ensures that X does not depend on non-local bindings.

  environment(map( )) |- X ---> X′
  environment(_) |- closed(X) ---> closed(X′)
  closed(V:T) ~> V
  scope(_:environments, _:=>T) : =>T

scope(D,X) executes D with the current bindings, to compute an environment Rho representing local bindings. It then executes X to compute the result, with the current bindings extended by Rho, which may shadow or hide previous bindings.

closed(scope(Rho, X)) ensures that X can reference only the bindings provided by Rho.

  environment(map-override(Rho1, Rho0)) |- X ---> X′
  environment(Rho0) |- scope(Rho1:environments, X) ---> scope(Rho1, X′)
  scope(_:environments, V:T) ~> V
  accumulate(_:(=>environments)*) : =>environments

accumulate(D1, D2) executes D1 with the current bindings, to compute an environment Rho1 representing some local bindings. It then executes D2 to compute an environment Rho2 representing further local bindings, with the current bindings extended by Rho1, which may shadow or hide previous current bindings. The result is Rho1 extended by Rho2, which may shadow or hide the bindings of Rho1.

accumulate(_, _) is associative, with map( ) as unit, and extends to any number of arguments.

                  D1 ---> D1
  accumulate(D1, D2) ---> accumulate(D1, D2)
  accumulate(Rho1:environments, D2) ~> scope(Rho1, map-override(D2, Rho1))
  accumulate( ) ~> map( )
  accumulate(D1) ~> D1
  accumulate(D1, D2, D+) ~> accumulate(D1, accumulate(D2, D+))
  collateral(Rho*:environments*) : =>environments
   ~> checked map-unite(Rho*)

collateral(D1, ...) pre-evaluates its arguments with the current bindings, and unites the resulting maps, which fails if the domains are not pairwise disjoint.

collateral(D1, D2) is associative and commutative with map( ) as unit, and extends to any number of arguments.


  bind-recursively(I:identifiers, E:=>values) : =>environments
    ~> recursive({I}, bind-value(I, E))

bind-recursively(I, E) binds I to a link that refers to the value of E, representing a recursive binding of I to the value of E. Since bound-value(I) follows links, it should not be executed during the evaluation of E.

recursive(SI, D) executes D with potential recursion on the bindings of the identifiers in the set SI (which need not be the same as the set of identifiers bound by D).

Auxiliary Funcon
  re-close(M:maps(identifiers, links), D:=>environments) : =>environments
    ~> accumulate(scope(M, D), sequential(set-forward-links(M), map( )))

re-close(M, D) first executes D in the scope M, which maps identifiers to freshly allocated links. This computes an environment Rho where the bound values may contain links, or implicit references to links in abstraction values. It then sets the link for each identifier in the domain of M to refer to its bound value in Rho, and returns Rho as the result.

Auxiliary Funcon
  bind-to-forward-links(SI:sets(identifiers)) : =>maps(identifiers, links)
    ~> map-unite(interleave-map(bind-value(given, fresh-link(values)), 

bind-to-forward-links(SI) binds each identifier in the set SI to a freshly allocated link.

For each identifier I in the domain of M, set-forward-links(M) sets the link to which I is mapped by M to the current bound value of I.